lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017

Post 7: An expert on my field

In my career I didn't have people that inspired me a lot, but in my third year I knew my theacher of educational psychology, his name is Jesús Redondo. He comes from Spain and he studied psychology at the Universidad de Deusto, Spain. I don't know about his life, only he has an accident in 2015 when he traveled to Spain with his family and he stayed one year out of Chile for that reason.

He has been an inspiration for me for his opinion about the sistem and the education  in the world, he learn me that I can think in another form of education in Chile and I have to fight for this conviction. He always express his ideas with passion and he transmit all that energy to his students. Other things that I like it's all the information that he know about other themes, I remember when we talked about feminist and he recomended me books very interesting about that.

I always love the educational psychology, but he reaffirmed me the love for this area and he gave me a lot of motivation for keep with my plans.

1 comentario:

  1. Redondo is an inspiration for all students who wants to be an educational psychologyst.
