domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017

Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying this semester

In my carrer  I enjoyed all the subject related to educational psychology, but this semester, "Psychodiagnostic in scholar context" has been my favorite subject. In this subject we have to learn about graphics test like CAT, the person in the rain, Rorschach, etc...
The name of the teacher is Ruth and her vision about the tests is so interesting, because she criticizes constantly the form that some professional have for use this tests, and she prefers use the tests like a bridge between pacient and psychology instead of a form of to diagnose different problems or sicks.

In the class we have to discuss about different cases that the teacher show us and we apply all the she learn us about tests and for the evaluation we must go to a school in Maipú and apply the test and finally give an inform about the student with we work.

I enjoyed this subject because in the carrer we haven't so many subject with practice activities and this is one of that, I had to work with kids and is a good experience because I have to be like a "professional" because there is a school that trust in my criterion and knowledge, I love do this and I can't wait for the moment that I can work in this.

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